Dec 2, 2023Liked by John B. Phillips

I probably would not have read this article at any point in my life, if not for an acquaintance whose intelligence I respected, and whose rational view of the world was incontestable. He told me, in the 90's, that the advanced tech which was the basis for solid state electronics, was sourced from reverse engineering artifacts from alien craft.

Some time later I read a book by a Lt. Col. Corso, who had been tasked with engaging universities and research departments to reverse engineer the materials; he also saw the bodies of aliens, tho not authorised to do.

So, they're among us. Some people have alleged that governments are cooperating with aliens in underground bases, and are preparing earth for allen occupation. I've never given much time to the topic of aliens, because topics which I know are real have occupied my time.

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Corso thought the book would be disclosure. He thought it would end the denial, avoidance, etc. Maybe it will

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The information presented convinced me.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Liked by John B. Phillips

John, in my experience with a variety of them, they are all diabolically insane with benighted minds. Each and every one of them, perpetrator of electronic torture.

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We definitely have a severe problem. We want them gone

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by John B. Phillips

I'm with you on that, but, unless the aws of physics are repealed, their technology is here to stay.

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They need to be removed from earth and returned to their own world. They have imposed so much filth and chaos

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023Liked by John B. Phillips

I had talked to Don Nickoloff three times. I learned about his death on Ken's website. They had podcasts once a month. Don had healing capabilities, and a psychic. I was told cause of death, stroke, directed from a spaceship

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