Sprawling, Antediluvian Megalithic Building Site Discovered in Western Montana
Recognition of This Site is Suppressed, it is Being Quietly Dismantled
When I found out there were megalithic ruins from an antediluvian civilization in Western Montana, I wanted to see for myself. I booked an appointment with the Sage Mountain Center, near the town of Whitehall, to see the Sage Wall. This is on private property by appointment only. The following two pictures are snips of video I took at the site:
The following image of a different section of Wall, which is up the mountain from the main Wall, is taken from Michael Collins’ Wandering Wolf YouTube channel. Notice the ninety-degree angles and fitted seams:
Image credit: Michael Collins, 2023
Further evidence of this ancient, technologically advanced civilization is documented by Bill and Julie Ryder beginning in 2011 until 2017 on the galacticfacets website, and currently on the Montana Megaliths website. In 2016 Andrew Barker, using deep geoscanning,
…documented and verified several of the Montana Megalith sites verifying the above surface structures located over the deeper layers of megalithic construction. Based on comparisons with deep geoscans of other similar megalithic sites Andrew Barker concluded that the Montana Megaliths were at least 72,000 years old and perhaps ever older. (Ryder, galacticfacets, 2017).
Other giant megalithic structures in the area of the Boulder Batholith include the Evergreen Dolman:
Image Credit: Ryder, Giant’s Playground Complex
And many, many other dolmens in the surrounding mountains in the area of the Boulder Batholith, including these three:
Image Credit: Ryder, Dolmens in the Montana Megaliths
The Star Fire Duolith, with a brief description by Julie Ryder:
Star Fire Duolith was coated with geopolymer concrete which has peeled off of the west pillar revealing that the infrastructure is diagonally split. The west pillar is therefore balanced on a inner narrow slice of stone.Â
Images Credit: Ryder, Giant’s Playground Complex
The following block quote, by Julie Ryder, describes the Star Fire Duolith:
The center of gravity of the Star Fire Duolith is positioned low in the semicircular base which is balanced in a cradle cut out of bedrock. Therefore when an earthquake occurs the duolith rocks side to side and then settles back down into the cradle. An accordion geopolymer dike supports the lower side allowing for expansion and contraction during earth movements. (Ryder, Giant’s Playground Complex)
An article from piramidasunca.ba is reproduced on Julie Ryder’s site. I have taken some excerpts from it which describe the analysis of several sites including the Sage Wall by Dr. Semir Osmanagich:
The two of them [Ryder, Osmanagich] visited several locations where Dr. Osmanagich inspected megalithic granite structures, measured them and determined their mass, using scientific instruments to determine the values ​​of basic parameters such as electromagnetic field, ultrasound, electric field, infrasound, magnetism, radio frequencies, level of orgone energy, concentration of negative and positive ions, determined the orientation of megalithic structures with a compass, etc.
Image credit: Ryder, Megalithic Metropolis
After the field visit, Dr. Osmanagich held a public lecture on October 14, 2022 in the large hall of St. Paul's United Methodist Church in front of more than a hundred citizens of Montana's capital, Helena.
On that occasion, he publicly confirmed the artificial character of these structures. He thus became the first international, independent expert to assert that these structures are the product of an intelligent hand. There is no precise answer regarding the builder and the time of construction. However, given the level of destruction, it can be concluded that these sites were exposed to catastrophic tidal waves that took place at the end of the last Ice Age about 12,000 years ago. It is interesting that Montana was at the border of the ice sheet. (Ryder, Megalithic Metropolis)
These megalithic structures are definitive evidence of a technologically advanced, antediluvian civilization which is at least 12,000 years old, and likely much older. Julie Ryder has been publicly discussing this for several years, and has drawn experts, including Andrew Barker and Dr. Osmanagich, to authenticate this sprawling, paradigm-shattering discovery. Why haven’t we heard of it before now? In 2021, Julie Ryder gave us some insight:
December 2, 2021
The US Forest Service threatened me with 6 months in prison if I gave tours of specific sites especially Giant's Playground. Then they financed a $6 million road re-construction project that connects Giants with highway I-90 and started to haul away megaliths.
Multiple wildfires in this area last summer cleared away the forest cover so the megalithic sites could be seen and identified from above. We watched as spot fires started over several megalithic sites that I had identified on Google Earth. The smoke rarely connected...each site "spontaneously" burst into high flames with thick black smoke.The government just announced a "mineral survey" of the area to identify precious minerals which means they plan to dig it up. This is the cover story. The laws have been changed so that now the US Forests are considered "multiple use" which means the government can sell whatever they choose. Our precious wild lands and forests no longer belong to the people. They have become "resources" of the Federal Government. The Rio Tinto Mines received the contract to "survey" from the Department of Interior.Â
The results, photographs and findings of over 92 percent of the archaeology digs that our government finances through grants to various universities and private organizations are never published in the public domain. (Ryder, Giant’s Playground Complex)
This megalithic archaeological site in the Boulder Batholith of Montana could potentially sprawl across the whole Boulder Batholith, which is 1,875 square miles (Wikipedia, Boulder Batholith). Psychologically normal people would expect this site to be protected under the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (APA), and shared with the public in an appropriate way such as in a national monument. However, under APA §470cc. Excavation and removal, subsection (a) Application for permit:
Any person may apply to the Federal land manager for a permit to excavate or remove any archaeological resource located on public lands or Indian lands and to carry out activities associated with such excavation or removal.
Furthermore, the resources are not guaranteed to be disclosed or ever shared with the public! Under APA §470hh. Confidentiality of information concerning nature and location of archaeological resources, subsection (a) Disclosure of information:
Information concerning the nature and location of any archaeological resource for which the excavation or removal requires a permit or other permission under this chapter or under any other provision of Federal law may not be made available to the public under subchapter II of chapter 5 of title 5 or under any other provision of law unless the Federal land manager concerned determines that such disclosure would—
(1) further the purposes of this chapter or the Act of June 27, 1960 (16 U.S.C. 469–469c) [16 U.S.C. 469–469c–1], and
(2) not create a risk of harm to such resources or to the site at which such resources are located.
It is too bad that we cannot trust the government to apply the law in an honest, sensible way! Unfortunately, Julie Ryder is right. The laws seem to be written in a way that allows the government to keep archaeological sites secret, and dismantle them. Â
What possible reason could the Federal Government have for suppressing and dismantling this site, which is irrefutable evidence of a highly technologically advanced antediluvian civilization? Why are they hiding our true history? Â Next time, we will explore the possible technological and spiritual heritage that is at stake if we allow the unchecked power of the federal government to suppress and destroy this site.
Collins, M. (2023). Wandering wolf: sage wall – megalithic wall at sage mountain center, mt. sage wall - megalithic wall at sage mountain center, mt.
Ryder, J. (ND). Dolmens in the montana megaliths. https://www.montanamegaliths.com/dolmens-in-the-montana-megaliths.html
Ryder, J. (2017). Galacticfacets: Dolmens in montana usa. https://www.galacticfacets.com/dolmens-in-montana-usa.html
Ryder, J. (ND). Giant’s playground. https://www.montanamegaliths.com/giants-playground-complex.html
Ryder, J. (ND). Megalithic metropolis. https://www.montanamegaliths.com/megalithic-metropolis.html
Sage mountain center. https://sagemountain.org/
Wikipedia. (ND). Boulder batholith. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boulder_Batholith
16 USC. (2013). Archaeological Protection Act. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2013-title16/html/USCODE-2013-title16-chap1B.htm
Thank you for this wonderful article! Looking forward to learning more.
Has the government removed structures like this before to keep the truth from us? 🤔
Governments are a criminal conspiracy on SO many levels. You do some great work, John.