If Only La Quinta Columna Knew About CIA Contractor Battelle Memorial, the Genocide Would End
Microscope Warriors Please Read
In a January 16, 2024 video published by David Icke titled David Icke was right about “Covid”, the jab, the Cloud, and manipulation by a non-human force, La Quina Columna and David Icke have published their joint conclusion: The high technology in the Covid injections is alien.
Icke sat in with La Quinta Columna founder Ricardo Delgado, Dr. José Luis Sevillano (also of La Quinta Columna) and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, to discuss the technology and its purpose.
Recall that La Quinta Columna was the first research organization to confirm Graphene in the Covid injections in a study titled Detection of Graphine in Covid19 Vaccines published on researchgate.net. The study was conducted by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, University of Almería, Spain. Madrid utilized Micro-Raman Spectroscopy to confirm Graphene (Madrid, 2021).
The technology found in the Covid injections was first described by Dr. Roger Leir, an American Doctor of Podiatric Medicine who became notable for surgically removing implants from alien abductees.
Ricardo Delgado @ 24:45 states:
When La Quinta Columna received the study from Dr. Roger Leir, he was the surgeon who extracted implants from people who had said they had been abducted. We have seen that the technology that was present in those implants is exactly the same technology that is contained in the injectables.
Leir @ 25:35 describes the alien implants in testimony to the Citizens for Disclosure DC Hearing, conducted from April 29-May 3rd 2013:
This is a very advanced nanotechnology. These are nanotechnological devices, in which nanocarbon tubes, either single or double-wall…can be elongated and weaved into carbon nano-fibers, carbon nano-strands, and they end in crystalline structures, which are what we call orthorhombic which are regular rectangular structures.
(Pfizer Vaxx Image Credit: Dr. David Nixon)
Following Leir’s testimony, Delgado @ 27:04 made the following comment:
The immediate conclusion, Mr. Icke, is that we are before a massive planetary implant of the whole of the human species.
La Quinta Columna Meets Classified Military Contractor Battelle Memorial
Colonel Phillip Corso (The Day After Roswell, 1997) told us how he fed alien technology through classified defense contractors and into mainstream industrial development. He states that technologies such as integrated circuits and fiber-optic communication networks are back-engineered alien technology, just two covertly introduced alien technologies which have utterly transformed our world (p.4).
Now we have discovered another pathway for the covert infiltration of alien technologies, illustrated in the 2023 Intelligence Authorization Act.
In Anthony Braglia’s 2022 article UFO Recovery and Technology Transfer Revealed in New US Intelligence Document, we learn that the Comptroller General has required the intelligence community to turn over all records of alien technology from 1947 until the present, naming our National Laboratories as among those who have received alien technology.
(a) Compilation Required.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall--
(1) commence a review of the records and documents of the intelligence community…for the period beginning on January 1, 1947, and ending on the date on which the Comptroller General completes activities under this subsection, compile and itemize a complete historical record of the intelligence community's involvement with unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena, including successful or unsuccessful efforts to identify and track unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena, efforts to recover or transfer related technologies to United States-based industry or National Laboratories, and any intelligence community efforts to obfuscate, manipulate public opinion, hide, or otherwise provide unclassified or classified misinformation about unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena or related activities, based on the review conducted under paragraph (1). (congress.gov)
Braglia’s research into the history of the secret back-engineering of alien technology by CIA contractor Battelle Memorial is unmatched.
The document’s mention of transferring technology from recovered UFOs to our National Labs and to private industry is important. That is because eight of the U.S. National Laboratories are fully contract operated by private sector defense contractor Battelle Memorial Institute, headquartered near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. (Bragalia, 2022)
In fact, Battelle “manages” nine of our U.S National Laboratories as evidenced by this screenshot from the battelle.org website:
Battelle first surfaced in connection with the Alien Presence in January 1953.
The Battelle group “had been studying the UFO problem, in Hynek’s words, in ‘very great secrecy’” (Dolan, 2002, p. 121).
The Battelle group showed themselves when Battelle senior staff member Dr. H.C. Cross wrote a memo [The Pentacle Memo] to Miles Coll at Wright-Patterson AFB insisting “agreement between Project Stork (Battelle) and ATIC [U.S. Air Force Air Technical Intelligence Center] should be reached as to what can and cannot be discussed” at the CIA-sponsored Robertson Panel on UFO’s (Dolan, 2002, p. 122).
Subsequent discoveries about Battelle’s involvement in the conspiracy to hide the Alien Presence while back-engineering alien technology is provided by Braglia in his article Roswell, Battelle & Memory Metal: The New Revelations (2010).
Battelle’s aforementioned Dr. Howard Clinton Cross, who wrote the Pentacle memo telling the Air Force what they could and could not say, was a metallurgist (and more) who was working on “memory metal” or shape-recovery metal, a Nickel/Titanium alloy now called Nitinol (Braglia, 2010).
Braglia shows that Cross was engaged in a contract to develop novel Titanium alloys for Wright-Patterson AFB a few months after the Roswell crash. The results of this ongoing work are shrouded in secrecy.
Dr. Cross had much more power and influence than a mere metallurgist, and was “able to deal freely with the heads of the U.S. Office of Naval Research, the CIA, and Air Force Intelligence” (Braglia, 2009).
Braglia interviewed a Battelle employee who knew Dr. Cross, Jennie Ziedman. She described Cross as, “frightful.’ People were actually afraid of him and many got nervous in the presence of Dr. Cross. Cross was known to be physically imposing ... He would often bang tables, instilling fear in those around him” (Braglia, 2010).
I wonder where Dr. Cross got his power over the U.S. Office of Naval Research, the CIA and Air Force, and his Nazi attitude?
Jennie went on to say:
During the 1940s and 1950s Battelle was surely one of the premier metallurgy research facilities in the world. Battelle was well established as a trusted and respected facility for Top Secret work including the Manhattan Project. Its staff included top metallurgists, welding technology experts, physical chemists and fuel application specialists. The supposition that Battelle analyzed Roswell UFO artifacts is a simple and obvious theory. (Braglia, 2010)
If Battelle is back-engineering alien technology as the U.S. Comptroller General suggests and as Anthony Bragglia has proven in his deeply researched articles, what other kinds of alien technology might have infiltrated our world as a result?
(Pfizer Vaxx Nano Image Credit: Dr. David Nixon)
CIA contractor Battelle is involved in many classified projects, such as biological weapons development. They call this “synthetic biology” (Battelle ThreatSEQ).
Recall that after the false-flag 9/11 attacks of 2001, weaponized aerosol anthrax was mailed to several people, including two U.S. Senators who had questioned the constitutionality of the Patriot Act, Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, who were in key positions to slow or block passage of the act (historycommons.org2, 2001).
As stated in a lengthy investigative report from the Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefense, “The 2001 Attack Anthrax: Key Observations” (Hugh-Jones et al., 2011), Battelle was named as the most likely source of the weaponized aerosol anthrax, which they had developed for the CIA’s project “Clear Vision” (Fitrakis, 2010).
Battelle and the CIA are strongly implicated in the post-911 anthrax attacks against our civilian government, which meets the textbook definition of treason.
Another area of specialization for Battelle is wireless brain/computer interface (BCI) technology.
In The Day After Roswell Corso mentions alien ‘headbands” several times, ultimately revealing them to be the alien brain/spaceship control interface:
“Either way, the headbands were the interface between the pilot and the ship” (p. 118).
Is this where Battelle learned the basics of the brain/computer interface?
Battelle’s interest in BCI technology is evidenced in their development of wireless, injectable, decorated graphene brain/computer interface technologies as described in the following Battelle article on the battelle.org website:
The article about this DARPA-funded mind invasion technology will be edited for clarity and brevity, and linked in the References section (Battelle BCI).
Battelle said Tuesday the team will move forward…for its magnetoelectric nanotransducer-based BCI concept.
The group will further develop and test an external brain-writing interface …to Transmit Or Receive Magnetoelectric Signals … which requires the injection of localized MEnTs in neural tissue to be guided by a magnet to a targeted location in the brain.
Our current data suggests that we can non-surgically introduce MEnTs into the brain for subsequent bi-directional neural interfacing.
When I first researched Battelle, it was after criminals from the Battelle-managed Idaho National Laboratories (INL) tunneled under our home in Pocatello, Idaho and attacked me with mind-invasive technology.
They invaded my dreams, creating scripted, interactive dreams while I was asleep in my own house, in my own bed. They soon escalated to directed energy weapon attacks, which are ongoing.
Details about this are in my book Electromagnetic Revolution (Phillips, 2020), linked below.
The Idaho National Laboratories, “managed” by CIA contractor Battelle, have a much different emphasis on their website now. Now they seem to emphasize “diversity” and “inclusion.”
At the time they attacked me, they emphasized their weapons research and development capabilities.
The Fact Sheet titled National Security Test Range Comprehensive testing capabilities completed by world class R&D staff has been completely scrubbed. There is no saved version on archive.org.
When I wrote the book I took a snip of the fact sheet:
The Range is uniquely positioned to support a wide variety of full scale and practical testing opportunities for the DOE, DOD, NNSA [National Nuclear Security Agency], DHS, and other federal and industrial collaborators…restricted airspace…classified program support.
The INL Test Range covers 900 square miles of vacant, restricted access land out in the desert.
My research indicates a massive underground facility beneath the INL. See Electromagnetic Revolution (Phillips, 2020) for details (linked below).
Also from my book:
Ms. Barbara Siciliano, INL Senior Counter Intelligence Officer.
Ms. Siciliano is the INL’s Senior Counter Intelligence Officer (INL4, N.D.):
Barbara Siciliano has more than 28 years of experience in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Directorate of Operations (DO) clandestine service. She retired in July 2017 after reaching the Senior Intelligence Service rank of SIS-3 and was awarded the Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal.
I am letting you know that Battelle hosts all of the most predatory, criminal three-letter agencies.
The fascist, incestuous relationships between “public service” and private corporate entities are blurred, as illustrated by CIA/DIA Defense Intelligence Officer and Battelle employee Sean Kirkpatrick.
Kirkpatrick’s CIA background is revealed on his Oak Ridge National Laboratories staff profile page (ornl.gov).
Recall that beginning July 20, 2022, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) was formed with Kirkpatrick as Director (thedebrief.org). AARO operates under the Office of the Secretary of Defense, to “resolve” reports of “unidentified anomalous phenomena” (aaro.mil).
Kirkpatrick stated in 2023, “…AARO has yet to find any credible evidence to support the allegations of any reverse engineering program for non-human technology” (defensescoop.com, x.com).
Kirkpatrick resigned from “public service” as ARRO Director in December 2023 (thedebrief.org) and immediately went to work at Oak Ridge National Laboratories, “managed” by private defense contractor Battelle Memorial (ornl.gov).
The long-awaited AARO Historical Record Report was released March 8, 2024. In a press briefing, acting AARO Director Tim Phillips stated:
AARO has found no verifiable evidence that any UAP sighting has represented extraterrestrial activity. AARO has found no verifiable evidence that the U.S. government or private industry has ever had access to extraterrestrial technology. AARO has found no indications that any information was illegally or inappropriately withheld from Congress. (defense.gov)
Even as the acting AARO Director lied to the American people, his predecessor Sean Kirkpatrick was busy back-engineering alien technology for Battelle Memorial.
To round out the cast of criminals who haunt Battelle’s INL playground, Lockheed Martin, well known as the world’s biggest weapons dealer is also present (Lockheed Martin 1996).
Lockheed Martin is also known for back-engineering alien spacecraft through their Skunkworks division as per Director Ben Rich: “We now have the technology to take ET back home” (source: UCLA School of Engineering Alumni speech 3/23/93) (secretprojects.co.uk).
Civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan elucidates the relationships of classified military contractors like Battelle and Lockheed Martin with the levers of power :
A deep-rooted symbiotic relationship has developed between the Pentagon and military contractors. This connection is evident today, especially concerning the UFO/UAP issue. Allegations suggest that defense contractors, reputed to possess exotic technologies of non-human origin, are using their influence to maintain the secrecy around UFOs/UAP. These companies lobby aggressively on Capitol Hill, channeling substantial campaign donations to key lawmakers. For instance, Mike Rogers, who chairs the House Armed Services Committee, primarily receives his campaign funding from Lockheed Martin. This financial connection prompts a critical question: Why would Lockheed Martin, and possibly other defense firms, invest heavily in certain members of Congress? The apparent motive is to secure and enhance their private profits, at the expense of transparency and accountability in matters such as UFO/UAP investigations. (Sheehan, Daniel)
Even if black military projects were NOT working directly with aliens, Battelle would be a great place for the DOD to get back-engineered alien technology to inject into people for total surveillance and mass mind control, if they wanted to create a fake pandemic and global injection attack.
In fact, I think that’s what happened.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was interviewed by Russel Brand. Kennedy’s knowledge of the Nazi security state is impressive. Kennedy stated:
"The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military... When Warp Speed turned over the organizational charts that were classified at the time, it shocked everybody because it wasn't HHS, CDC, NIH, FDA, or a public health agency. It was the NSA, a spy agency that was at the top… the lead agency of Operation Warp Speed.”
Isn’t the NSA “Signals Intelligence?” Hmmm…
(Pfizer Vaxx Nano Image Credit: Dr. David Nixon)
Does the graphic from the Battelle DARPA/BCI article remind you of anything?
Self-assembling nano that turns your body into a wifi antenna, and gives off a mac address. Whether you have been injected or not, we are all contaminated with this stuff now, it is in our blood and binding with our neurons. It is alien.
(Pfizer Vaxx Nano Image Credit: Dr. David Nixon)
Next Post: La Quinta Columna Publishes Alien Tech in the Covid Injections: Integration
John’s Substack
John’s Book Electromagnetic Revolution https://amzn.to/3sIF8UQ
Aaro.mil https://www.aaro.mil/
Battelle ThreatSEQ https://www.battelle.org/markets/health/chemical-and-biological-countermeasures/biosecurity-pandemic-preparedness/threatseq
Birnes, William J.; Corso, Philip (1997). The Day After Roswell. Atria Books. Kindle Edition.
Braglia (2009) https://www.ufoexplorations.com/roswell-metal-scientist-dr-cross
Braglia 2010 https://www.ufoexplorations.com/roswell-battelle-memory-metal-revel
Bragalia (2022) https://www.ufoexplorations.com/ufo-recovery-and-technology-transfer-revealed-in-new-us-intel-document
Congress.gov electronic version https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/117th-congress/house-report/546/1
Congress.gov PDF version https://congress.gov/117/crpt/hrpt546/CRPT-117hrpt546.pdf
David Icke & La Quinta Columna on Rumble https://rumble.com/v47drmu-david-icke-was-right-about-covid-the-jab-the-cloud-and-manipulation-by-a-no.html
Defensescoop.com https://defensescoop.com/2023/07/31/uap-hearing-sparks-clash-between-pentagon-officials-witnesses/
Dolan, 2002 https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/page/121/mode/2up?view=theater
Dr. David Nixon https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/images
Fitrakis 2010 https://freepress.org/article/ghoulish-and-secretive-biowarfare-expert-william-c-patrick-iii-dead
historycommons.org2. (2001). 2001 Anthrax Attacks. http://historycommons.org/timeline.jsp?timeline=anthraxattacks&anthraxattacks_other=anthraxattacks_patriot_act.
Hugh-Jones et al., 2011 https://www.omicsonline.org/the-2001-attack-anthrax-key-observations-2157-2526.S3-001.php?aid=2008
Lockheed Martin 1996 https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc685760/?q=lockheed%20martin%20idaho
Madrid, 2021 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355979001_DETECTION_OF_GRAPHENE_IN_COVID19_VACCINES
ornl.gov (Sean Kirkpatrick Bio) https://www.ornl.gov/staff-profile/sean-m-kirkpatrick
Pentacle Memo https://www.ufoexplorations.com/_files/ugd/aa4aac_25ca096a060c440b826825da0b587699.pdf
RFK on (Russel Brand @34:40) https://rumble.com/v2nermq-russell-and-rfk-jr-fauci-cia-secrets-and-running-for-president-128-stay-fre.html
Secretprojects.co.uk https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/lockheed-skunk-works-ben-rich-comments-revealed.5048/
Sheehan, Daniel
Thedebrief.org https://thedebrief.org/pentagon-confirms-retirement-of-aaro-director-sean-kirkpatrick-as-new-deputy-director-is-named/
Warp Speed Org Chart https://www.statnews.com/2020/09/28/operation-warp-speed-vast-military-involvement/
The diabolic brain implants and other implants, also microchips are all alien technology. And these aliens are in all branches of the military. Also local law enforcement. It's no secret and cannot be kept a secret any longer. They are in hotels and neighborhoods and the workplace. And they have humans without conscience doing their destructive will. We see everywhere TIs are, people who have enriched themselves by targeting Americans. Expensive cars, trucks and Harley Davidson motorcycles. One front desk hotel clerk who works part-time, has bought a Tesla. One sees Lexus's and infinity in public parkings were TI's are. Watch what is happening around you.
Great Job putting it all together John.