Alien Presence: Meet Skinny Bob
Zeta Reticuli Grey Aliens Need Resources and a Place to Live; Will Trade Technology for Planets
They would allow disclosure of some of the most far-fetched information… General Twining said, “the cover-up is the disclosure and the disclosure is the cover-up. Deny everything, but let the public sentiment take its course. Let skepticism do our work for us until the truth becomes common acceptance” (Corso, P., Birnes, W. (1997), pp. 81-82)
(Image Credit: Hemispheres Institute Remote Viewing)
Meet “Skinny Bob.” The original Skinny Bob video, titled alien grey extraterrestrial zeta reticuli ufo leaked footage, was quietly released on YouTube in 2011 by @ivan0135 as a 4-part series.
The series shows a flying disk, crash, a survivor (Skinny Bob) and a formal visit by Zeta Reticuli Greys.
The first video in the series begins with the KGB Logo.
The last video in the series, “alien grey extraterrestrial zeta reticuli tape 06 - family vacation” gives details about a treaty with the greys, including dates.
The first contact was in 1942 and a treaty was established 04/23. A series of visits followed, to discuss “matters of mutual concern” (@ 0:09).
Footage of the “family vacation” visit in 1961 is said to have been taken surreptitiously, in violation of the treaty. It is grainy and of poor quality, but it is in color.
It is not given who established this treaty with the greys, but this context implies that it is the United States.
Why is Skinny Bob here? What does he want?
(Image Credit: Ivan 0135)
In a 2017 video titled Remote Viewing the Skinny Bob Saga, John Vivanco of Hemispheres Institute Remote Viewing tasked a group of remote viewers to view a subject (Skinny Bob) through blind remote viewing protocols developed at the Stanford Institute of Research (About).
“The remote viewers are blind...there is no way for them to know what they are viewing” (Vivanco, 2017 @11:58).
The results of the remote viewing tasks, after three separate taskings of different aspects, validate the videos as authentic.
The viewers nail the physical description. One viewer described Skinny Bob’s hands as large with claws, skin as green or yellow (Vivanco, 2017 @ 5:45); another viewer said he “looks like a lizard person” (Vivanco, 2017 @ 6:04).
Skinny Bob has feelings! In a consciousness map of Skinny Bob He feels “alone, abandoned, isolated, depressed, sad, beaten, defeated, discouraged and trampled” (Vivanco, 2017 @ 5:10).
Skinny Bob was part of a hive mind collective consciousness which came here at high risk, to get resources. One remote viewer’s notes have “exploration, mining, scavenging, looking and harvesting” (Vivanco, 2017 @7:45).
Reading a different remote viewer’s notes, we can see “creating power in numbers,” “cloning’” and “merging species” (Vivanco, 2017 @ 11:25).
What the above notes suggest is that these particular aliens are “working for a cause,” to merge with us (create hybrids) to gain resources.
One remote viewer’s consciousness map of the collective mind has the word “survival” four times.
Also notice the words “exploiting men,” “experimenting,” and “places to live” (Vivanco, 2017 @ 15:30).
The remote viewers indicate that Skinny Bob is telepathic. Skinny Bob is extremely mentally evolved.
He thinks he has landed on “The Planet of the Apes” (Vivanco, 2017, @6:47).
The edgy desperation of Skinny Bob and the Zeta Reticuli Greys makes them seem rather pathetic. They need resources and a place to live.
It seems that they have used up their home planet, and now they would like to come here.
Maybe we can (secretly) work out a deal that will be mutually beneficial (for a few of us)! That would be much better than trying to (secretly) fight them with our inferior technology, and possibly disclose their presence, causing a panic and disrupting the economy! My God, the technology! We can rule the world!
Rumors of treaties between the United States and E.T.’s have persisted for years, from different sources.
The emerging situation is described in an Associated Press article titled UFO conspiracy theorists see Space Force as evidence:
The outer reaches of the UFO community also believe that President Eisenhower signed a secret treaty in 1954 with an alien race known as the Greys. The two sides agreed in the “Greada Treaty” not to interfere with each other’s affairs. Also under the treaty, the Greys would share technology with the U.S. and the aliens would be allowed to abduct humans for various experiments, provided they submit the names of abductees to a secret government committee known as the “Majestic 12.” (Miller, 2018)
From a Huffington Post article titled Eisenhower And The Aliens: Former US President Had Three Secret Meetings With Extra Terrestrials:
Former American President Dwight D. Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens from another planet, a former US government consultant has claimed. The 34th President of the United States met the extra terrestrials at a remote air base in New Mexico in 1954, according to lecturer and author Timothy Good. Eisenhower and other FBI officials are said to have organised the showdown with the space creatures by sending out 'telepathic messages'… the claims from Mr Good, a former U.S. Congress and Pentagon consultant, are the first to be made publicly by a prominent academic. (SWNS, 2012)
We are the natives, and we have been discovered by technologically superior forces. From our own human history, do you remember what happens next?
What does Ra have to say about E.T.s like the Zeta Reticuli Greys?
We will look at an excerpt from Session 8, January 26, 1981 and one from Session 16, January 31, 1981:
8.12 Questioner: At the same time you mentioned that some of the landings were of our peoples, you also mentioned that some were of the Orion group. [We] talked a little about the Orion group, but why do the Orion group land here? What is their purpose?
Ra: I am Ra. Their purpose is conquest, unlike those of the Confederation who wait for the calling. The so-called Orion group calls itself to conquest.
16.17 Questioner: What was their purpose in doing this?
Ra: I am Ra. The purpose of the Orion group, as mentioned before, is conquest and enslavement. This is done by finding and establishing an elite and causing others to serve the elite through various devices such as the laws you mention and others given by this entity.
John’s Substack
John’s Book Electromagnetic Revolution
About Remote Viewing and Right Hemispheric Channel
Birnes, William J.; Corso, Philip (1997). The Day After Roswell. Atria Books. Kindle Edition
Ivan0135 YouTube channel
Miller, 2018
Ra Material Session 8
Ra Material Session 16
Vivanco, 2017 Remote Viewing the Skinny Bob Saga
Thanks for all the research and taking the time to share it with us.
Would you know if anyone at Targeted Justice Inc. has taken the time to get in touch with Deborah Tavares ? The lady at She is a Targeted Individual. Very intelligent, knowledgeable and interesting woman. Very sound. The link is from Deborah Tavares.
Hi John !
Watch this. Reminded me of you.
Looks like what's known as the nephillim . . Giant's from the fallen Ones.
Pay No attention to the one man around 1:30 mark , attempt to interpret the Scripture on the garden of Eden. He's wrong. Frequency's are briefly addressed.